In recent days many rumors have been emerging regarding to the new hybrid console that Nintendo is going to launch throughout 2025although its announcement is expected to happen in the first half of October.
But after the launch of the supposed nintendo switch 2all eyes will go to both Microsoft and Sony, which should already be preparing the launch of their new home consoles.
In particular, Sony is already developing PlayStation 6 something that is no secret, in a launch that could happen in four or five years.
In any case, users of the new PlayStation 5 Pro They should not worry because if they acquire this new system, they will surely be able to take advantage of it for a few years.
In the latest weekly Digital Foundry podcast consider that PlayStation 6 backwards compatibility will greatly benefit from the existence of the PlayStation 5 Pro, just as the current PS5 model benefited from the PS4 Pro.
They comment that the existence of this type of consoles in the middle of the generation, They are positive to prepare the launch of other future ones, such as in this case PS6.
They claim that just as it came with the current model, backwards compatibility benefited from the PS4 Pro.
They consider that the same is likely to happen with PlayStation 6 considering that there is a possibility that some games will continue to run at 30 fps on the new PS5 Pro and that they will probably be improved to 60 fps with the supposed PlayStation 6.
What does seem to be confirmed, is that Sony’s new desktop console will once again have the support of AMD after not getting Intel the contract for various reasons, including concerns Sony had about backward compatibility with previous versions of the system.
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