
The login screen It is that place where we quickly select the user and enter the password to immerse ourselves in the desktop. There are multiple boot managers in GNU/Linux, being SDDM (Simple Desktop Display Manager) the one from the KDE Plasma desktop.
These managers in turn can have various “themes” with a specific artwork. The KDE official is Breeze (“Breeze”), but today we are going to try a new one called Ittuwhich in addition to having a somewhat different arrangement of the elements by placing the buttons on the sides, introduces us to the possibility of having animated avatars for our users.
Pretty cool right?
Its installation is very simple, we go to the system preferences or the application launcher and search for SDDM (Login screen), then press the button «get new login screens«, we install the “Ittu” song We select it and do the typical apply/accept.
By default, there are some 20 gifs to use as an avatar. If we prefer to use homegrown animations (200 x 200 dimensions), after downloading they can be copied to the corresponding directory. It would be something like this:
sudo cp 21.gif otro.gif /usr/share/sddm/themes/ittu/components/artwork/gifs
And then we choose the one we prefer for our avatars:
sudo cp 21.gif tannhausser.gif
(logically you replace my nickname with your username).
In the configuration file /usr/share/sddm/themes/ittu/theme.confthere is the possibility of introducing some customizationsrelating to the image of backgroundeffects, transparenciesas well as the size or shape (square, circular) of the avatar.
Capturing the image of our login screen
You may want to share an image of your avatars, of the login screen in question. Forget about complicated scripts…the main session managers offer a preview of the themes, which we can invoke from the command line:
In the case of the Ittu Theme, it would be:
sddm-greeter --test-mode --theme /usr/share/sddm/themes/ittu
The same with Breeze or any other that we use with SDDM:
sddm-greeter --test-mode --theme /usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze
And take the screenshot of the pop-up window with our usual tool (Spectacle for example).
In openDesktop you have more information on this topic by its author. Enjoy!
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