Many people are confused when an unknown number contacts them on WhatsApp. There are several steps you can take in this situation:
- At first, don’t be too worried. There doesn’t have to be any malicious intent behind the message. Often it is simply a case of mix-up and the sender entered the wrong number.
- If the message contains links or files, be careful. Do not open it or download anything as viruses may be hidden behind it.
- If the messages seem strange or disturbing to you, you should ignore the messages and not respond to them. If the number contacts you regularly, you can also block it.
Also read: WhatsApp trick: A trick shows where messages come from – before they are even opened
- If you have blocked the number, you don’t need to do anything else. She can’t write to you now. However, if you want to find out who is behind the news, you can take a closer look.
- Save the number in your phone book and then view the profile picture and status, if available. From this you can tell whether it is someone completely unknown or someone you know.
- If you don’t get any helpful information from the picture and status, you can ask the sender what’s behind the message. You can also call the number via WhatsApp. However, make sure that you do not call the number via telephone, but only via WhatsApp. Depending on the number, the phone call can quickly become expensive.
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