It is possible that you have gone through the situation that some word page has been outdated or that you need reorganize an entire project and you can’t find a way to do it quickly.
Well, although the interface of this program Microsoft be quite intuitive, there are certain features that you can overlook when it comes to configure the operation or structure of the pages.
One of the main features that you should master to save time are the layout modification actions. Yes, it sounds like something complicated and technical, but it is actually basic and simple.

The first method is quite simple, but requires following a certain structure in the Word document.
To do this, you have to use program headingsthat is, putting established titles on each of the pages so that they can be identified.
You can do this from the section Startwhere you have to select a title or phrase and select one of the ways to Title Styles.

Once your entire document is well structured with titles, you have to go to the section View and activate the box Navigation Panel.
On the left side, the bar will appear. Navigation where show each of the headers that you have put on the pages.
You simply have to press and hold the one you want move and move it to the position you want. In this way, all the content that is within that title will be moved to that point.
How to move Word pages with Cut and Paste functions

Another very practical way to do it is to use the actions of Cut and Paste within Word. It’s as simple as select the entire page and right click to press on Cut. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+X if you prefer.
After you have cut, go to the page where you want to move it and press the Paste button which is located in the upper left corner or use the combination Ctrl+V.
These would be the easiest methods to rearrange your pages in Microsoft Word. Remember that you can also take other actions that improve your experience, such as change sheet size, turn a page or even replace words.
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Tags: Windows Tricks, words, Microsoft Word, Tricks, Apps, Tutorial
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