You have the best chance of a bountiful harvest early in the morning, before other foragers are out and about. Whether in the forest or on the meadow – mushrooms grow in many places, but they are rarely found in dense, dark bushes or thickets, according to NABU.
It is important that you do not collect mushrooms near roads or industrial areas. According to the “Safe House” campaign, there is a risk that the mushrooms have absorbed pollutants such as heavy metals.
Be considerate of nature
Mushroom pickers should be careful to respect nature. Do not pick mushrooms in nature reserves, avoid disturbing animals, and do not step on plants or young trees. Do not turn over moss or damage the delicate fungal network in the soil, which is crucial for fungal growth.
The quantity also plays a role: many types of mushrooms are subject to collection restrictions. You should only harvest as many mushrooms as you can process on the same day – mushrooms taste best fresh anyway. According to the DSH, the maximum amount per person per day is usually two kilograms.
Reading tip: Too much in the basket: collecting mushrooms can result in a fine of up to 10,000 euros
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